The mission of Jung Yun Acupuncture is to critically assess and treat patients with Oriental medicine and its traditional and modern derivation to deliver the highest standard of patient care. Jung Yun provides exemplary Oriental medical treatments to her patients and strives to provide personalized service and guidance with respect, integrity and compassion.
Her vision is to be the premier provider of sensitive, culturally competent, and clinically appropriate health care and related services for CT and NYC families using Oriental medicine, including acupuncture, Sho Ni Shin, Tui Na, Qi Gong and Chinese herbs.
Jung Yun values and believes that health care is a human right. To that end she continually strives to:
• Create a health care environment that is safe, sensitive, nonjudgmental, and respectful
• Work to remove as many barriers to care as possible
• Structure health care programs to be dynamic and flexible to meet the changing needs
of the families we serve
• Provide health care that is appropriate, accessible, and affordable
• Create an environment in which individuals are empowered to become educated health
care consumers
• Assist families in planning and conceiving their children
• Encourage family participation and support
• Embrace diversity on all levels